My name is Christopher Gage and I started the Healing Phoenix Lapidary as a way to express my journey as a burn survivor, using the power of positivity as a vehicle, toward a new life as a lapidarist.
At the Healing Phoenix Lapidary website, you’ll find many beautiful artisan-cut Cultured Opal cabochons that I have been grinding, cutting, and polishing during my self-imposed art therapy. I've added a spectacular variety of Fire in Place Cultured Opals (FIP), both Faceted and Cabochon cut. They are able to tolerate temperatures up to 1650º F/ 900ºC, making them perfect for Metal Clay and Jewelry artisans.
You will also see the "Healing Arts Program," where I collaborate with my wife, Holly Gage, to create Warrior Scar Jewelry with Burn and Trauma Survivors.
In addition, I decided to write a blog as part of this site, not just about lapidary, but also to chronicle my story of survival from a horrific accident.
Many people have remarked that I have made a miraculous recovery from my injuries, and I can only say that the power of positive thinking has played a tremendous part in my healing. And so has art therapy.
Christopher shares his trauma story in this uplifting podcast interview with Rio Grande's For the Love of Jewelers.
The trauma he suffered was so intense that it altered the course of his life. "As horrible as the whole thing was, there is something to be gained from it,” Chris says. His positive attitude throughout an incredibly challenging ordeal allowed Chris to use the Lapidary arts for healing, both physically and mentally. Now Chris and Holly, his wife, are helping others appreciate their own wounds through making Warrior Scar Jewelry and enabling them to learn the first steps to post-traumatic growth. . .